Finding Fulfilling Jobs If You’re Autistic

Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT — Written by Kimberly Drake on March 10, 2022 | Source:PsychCentral

Autistic people have unique strengths well suited for a wide range of careers. With support, autistic teens and adults can obtain gainful employment.

If you’re autistic or support someone who is, finding autism-friendly jobs can seem daunting, especially if you don’t know where to begin or aren’t sure what career path will align with you or your loved one’s unique talents and skills.

These challenges may make it seem like finding a rewarding job is out of reach. But this couldn’t be further from the truth — being autistic isn’t a barrier to finding professional success.

Many successful people are autistic, including entrepreneur and business magnate Elon Musk, scientist and noted autism spokesperson Temple Grandin, actor and comedian Dan Aykroyd, and even Nobel Prize winner Dr. Vernon Smith.

But you or your autistic loved one doesn’t have to be a world-class scientist or a celebrity to enjoy a rewarding career.

Career paths for autistic people

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) isn’t a one-size-fits-all diagnosis, and no two autistic people are alike. Also, people with ASD have a wide range of interests and skills — just like everyone else.

Still, some autistic folks have distinct strengths that may help them excel in specific careers. According to 2021 research, characteristics often associated with autism and translate well into the work environment may include:

  • creative and innovative thinking

  • attention to detail

  • logical and systematic thought processes

  • enhanced pattern recognition

  • superior memory

  • sustained and intense focus

  • ability to work independently

  • enhanced productivity and dedication

  • ability to find practical and effective solutions

  • honesty and trustworthiness

  • reduced concern with social pressure

  • a strong sense of social justice and affective empathy

  • intense interests in specific things

  • enjoyment of tasks non-autistic people might find challenging

Still, autistic folks may experience challenges in the workplace due to differing abilities with social interactions, sensory processing issues, and learning styles. In addition, difficulties with processing speed and receptive and expressive language may create challenges in the work environment.

Managing these challenges is possible with the proper support. These supports might include job coaches, individualized training programs, and ensuring the employer has a comprehensive understanding of autism.

Whether you’re autistic or nonautistic, career options are nearly unlimited. Still, for individuals with ASD, some genres of employment can be a better fit than others. Career paths to consider include:

1. Computer coding, data analyst, cybersecurity, and IT careers

Many autistic teens and adults have a strong liking for computer science. This career path can be ideal for tech-savvy people who have enhanced attention to detail and enjoy working with computer systems.

2. Journalism

For autistic people who love to write, journalism or related fields can be a rewarding career choice. This profession allows creativity while offering structure, routine, and opportunities to work from home.

3. Animal science, pet grooming, and animal care

Some autistic people enjoy interacting with animals, more so than people. Therefore, a job working with dogs, cats, or horses can be a rewarding experience. It can also provide therapeutic benefits.

4. Filmmaking, computer-generated special effects, photography

The unique perspectives that a person with ASD possesses can be an asset in the visual arts field. This career path also allows creative expression not easily obtained in other jobs.

5. Archivist, librarian, or historian

Some autistic people have a keen ability to remember things like dates, times, and places. These skills can be a perfect fit for jobs that require superior memory, intense focus, and attention to detail.

6. Science and Technology research

Because logical thinking and superior pattern recognition can be a strength in autistic individuals, careers in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields may be a good fit.

7. Military

Some people with ASD excel in the structured environment the armed forces provide. Also, some specialties within the military focus on technology and science, which can be beneficial for someone interested in those subjects.

8. Manufacturing

Assembly, shipping and receiving, and robotics are aspects of the manufacturing industry that may appeal to some autistic people. Especially those who like predictability and consistency.

9. Accounting

For autistic folks who enjoy mathematics and crunching numbers, jobs like forensic accounting or bookkeeping might align with their passions and skills.

10. Auto technician

Working on vehicles can be a fulfilling career choice for autistic people who like to understand how things work and enjoy detailed or complex projects.

Of course, any career choice can be a good fit if it’s something you or the autistic person you support is interested in. Still, depending on the job, workplace accommodations may be required to address specific needs.


Proclamation from the City of Weston, FL Municipal Government: April as Autism and HAAPE Appreciation Month. ⁣


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